September 17, 2024

On March 1, 2024, Father Armando Pierucci, a renowned Franciscan and witness to contemporary spirituality, was hosted by the Erede di Maria Valtorta Foundation in Isola del Liri. He was accompanied by his friends and collaborators, Véronique and Polus. Father Armando shared his personal testimony regarding the writings of Maria Valtorta with those present. Additionally, […]

By Daniel
July 18, 2024

view of Isola del Liri (FR – Italy) in the 1960s * * * Isola del Liri is a charming small town in Lazio that takes its name from the particular configuration of its urban center, framed by two branches of the Liri River. The paper and wool industries have had a tradition in its […]

By Daniel
June 19, 2024

The Long Night of Churches is the first white night of places of worship where music, art, and culture blend together in a spirit of reflection and spirituality. The latest edition (June 7, 2024) featured many initiatives throughout Italy: 150 dioceses, over 220 locations including churches, diocesan museums, and sanctuaries… For one day, in the […]

By Daniel
April 22, 2024

The Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation informs that on Saturday, April 27, 2024, at 5:00 pm, the community of brothers of the Order of Servants of Mary will celebrate Holy Mass in the Chapter Chapel of the SS. Annunziata in Florence in memory of the first “dictation” of April 23, 1943. *   *   * [On April […]

By Daniel
March 27, 2024

[The night of the Holy Saturday] Mary, ending Her prayer, says: «[…] While I was praying – and only the Eternal knows how exhausted I was after giving strength to so many wavering faiths and enlightening so many minds that not even His death had illuminated – I seemed to smell an angelical scent, a […]

By Daniel
July 3, 2023

Pope John Paul II appointed Joseph Ratzinger Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Holy See’s body responsible for overseeing the correctness of Catholic doctrine. Cardinal Ratzinger maintained his stance on the Valtorta issue until he made the decision to personally investigate the matter. Geneviève Esquier, a journalist from L’homme Nouveau, […]

By Daniel
April 3, 2023

On the 23rd of April 1943 it was Good Friday. Maria Valtorta had already been infirm in her house in Viareggio for 9 years. At around Midday, from her bedroom on the ground floor she called Marta, who was busy in the kitchen. Marta arrived promptly. Maria showed her a piece of paper where she […]

By Daniel
January 25, 2023

The idea to realise a film, based on Maria Valtorta’s writings, flashed in the minds of lay and religious, who knew it through typed copies, and in 1948 were about to set up a publishing house (never accomplished) which could publish it. The Work was at that time still unpublished and had to be printed […]

By Daniel
January 25, 2023

The Gospels mention his name about twenty times, to say that he is one of the twelve apostles and to record his steps towards a betrayal which is finally consummated. John the Evangelist adds a singular piece of evidence without proving it: Judas keeps the money-bag and is a thief. Nothing else is learned about […]

By Daniel
January 9, 2023

The Work of Maria Valtorta has been defined by many a masterpiece of literature. For example, in his testimonial dated 1952, Nicola Pende, a worldly renown clinician, did not only appreciate the aspects of the work which might happen to interest a medical scientist, but also defined it “a true masterpiece of style, form and […]

By Daniel