The mission of the Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation is to evangelise through the reading of the literary work of Maria Valtorta so as to illustrate the life of Jesus Christ – who lived with His Apostles…
The Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation holds the legacy of Maria Valtorta for having received the ownership of her original manuscripts, the ownership of the Valtorta house in Viareggio .…
The Heritage Foundation holds the legacy of Maria Valtorta for having received the ownership of her original manuscripts with copyright (of editions published after 2010), the ownership of the…
The Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation is in charge of spreading the knowledge of the person of Maria Valtorta and her literary work, as well as the safeguard and conservation of …
These are the main projects we are focusing on. You can make a donation by choosing the project you prefer. Or you can choose to collaborate with us, on a voluntary basis, and help us carry out the projects …
The members of the board are all volunteers and carry out the tasks entrusted to them without any proceeds. A large number of volunteers work alongside the members, without whom the Heritage Foundation would struggle to exist …
Testamentary heirs of Maria Valtorta were the Order of the Servants of Mary and Marta Diciotti. The Order of the Servants of Mary, founded in the thirteenth century in Florence and active in the world, inherited the bare ownership of the Valtorta house in Viareggio …
In the first decade of the twentieth century, a printing company was set up in Isola del Liri by Arturo Macioce who, after a few years, welcomed the young Michele Pisani, brother of his wife, as a partner …
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