Listed below are the main projects we are focusing on.
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The Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation takes care, among other projects, of the propagation of the writings in all parts of the world, and also of spreading of knowledge of the person of Maria Valtorta.

This project is closely linked to the task of translating the works into all the languages of the world.
But not only this. In fact, over the years the Heritage Foundation has come into contact with many people belonging to different nationalities whom, over time, have dedicated themselves more and more, under the guidance of the Foundation itself, to disseminating the writings in their languages of origin, through various social channels.

Our goal is to create branches of the Heritage Foundation in every country so as to be able to offer similar and always fresh content in different languages in order to spread the knowledge of Maria Valtorta and her literary work.

Collection of testimonies promoted by Emilio Pisani,
president of the Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation

On 7 December 2017, Emilio Pisani, acting in the name and on behalf of the Foundation of which he is the President in office, conferred on the Attorney Rotale Carlo Fusco, Postulator of the Causes of Saints, the mandate to act before the competent Ecclesiastical Authority to obtain the collection of testimonies on the life of Maria Valtorta and, in particular, the evidence on the heroic exercise she practiced of the Christian Virtues.

Since Maria Valtorta died in the Archdiocese of Lucca, the Ordinary of that Archdiocese was asked for an opinion on the possibility that the Diocese of Rome would be responsible for collecting the aforementioned testimonies and evidence. The Ordinary of Lucca gave an affirmative answer. Therefore, in 2019 a priest of the Vicariate began to collect the testimonies on the life of Maria Valtorta and the evidence on the heroic exercise she practiced of the Christian virtues.

Any news about this matter will be issued on this website.

Maria Valtorta’s spirituality did not follow the path of a classic formation. As the only daughter of a mother opposed to religious practices and a weak and submissive father, Maria cultivated the natural vocation to be wife and mother, which was extinguished by the inexorable harshness of maternal despotism. No one, however, could ever repress the reason for her existence, which she declared in these terms: To love was for me an indispensable condition to be able to live.

She was only four and a half year old when, while contemplating a statue of Christ taken down from the cross, she had the intuition of His indissoluble cohesion of Pain and Love. In her heart remained “the anxiety to console Him by making herself similar to Him in the pain voluntarily suffered for love”. When she was twelve years old, she was placed in the Bianconi College of Monza, run by the Sisters of the Child Maria, where she had a good religious education together with a solid cultural formation. The reading of the Story of a soul by Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus (not yet holy), which was done in the refectory, encouraged her to walk in the same way “of confident abandonment and generous love”. When leaving the College, four years later, in her last spiritual exercises preached by a Bishop, she opened her soul to embrace a life of “penitent love”. Back in her family, for some years her contacts with God were weak, until the random reading of the novel Il santo by Antonio Fogazzaro (which was on the Index) immersed her “in the ocean of divine mercy”, leading her to “hope in the supernatural values ​​of atonement and repentance ”. At the age of twenty-five, having found by chance a booklet entitled “Gospel of St. Luke”, she read the Gospel for the first time, in fact she had only the knowledge of the Gospel from Sunday homilies. The more she read it, the more she felt “a new heart” forming in her. She was nearly thirty when, out of love, she offered herself totally to God.

The fundraising campaign for the safeguard and conservation of the autographed manuscripts ended in December 2018. It has been achieved the estimated amount of € 30,000 in order to create a protected and climate-friendly environment for the conservation of the delicate notebooks. After the forced halt of the pandemic, the Heritage Foundation is working on the implementation of the project, hoping to be able to finalise it as soon as possible.

The other project, part of this campaign, is dedicated to the digitalisation of the manuscripts in order to have them all in digital format, this process still needs funds:

  • Digitisation and creation of a database of all manuscripts in order to have an unalterable and easily manageable copy of the archive; this must be enriched with collateral information, such as technical metadata and interconnections with other documents or information of Valtortian nature.

’Art. 3, point c, of the Statute of the Heritage Foundation entrusts it with the task of “commissioning the works of new translations or the revision of existing translations of the works of Maria Valtorta and of any other Valtortian publication to experienced translators”; and art. 4 provides for the establishment of “a college of translators under the guidance of a coordinator”.

The existing translations of the Writings of Maria Valtorta cover the languages ​​spoken in every part of the world, from European to Indian dialects. In some, especially the main European ones, the major works have been translated in their entirety and also, in whole or in part, the minor works. In others, the translation and publication of the individual volumes is gradually being carried out. In others, translations of selected passages, or at least partial ones, of Valtortian works have been published. For some others, such as the Armenian and the Indonesian, there was only the proposal to promote their translation. Altogether there are just under 30 languages.
Most of the authors of the existing translations volunteered, leaving the CEV, in its capacity as Publisher, the task of verifying the skills of the aspiring translator and compensating, once the agreement is concluded, for his performance. Not infrequently the CEV has had to undertake the task of resolving the doubts that a translator posed when interpreting certain passages of the Valtortian text. Finally, it was a right of the CEV to authorise, with formal agreements, the publication and spread of a translation, when it was not possible or not convenient to publish it and spread it on their own, and it was still a right (but also a duty) of the CEV to block or at least fight abusive translations with warnings and legal actions.
The rights and duties concerning the translations have passed to the Foundation, which will be able to manage them with more competence and authority through the “subsidiary bodies”, provided for in art. 4 of the Statute. The establishment of the “college of translators” will be of great importance, which will serve to put Valtortian translators in communication with each other to exchange experiences and ask questions, with the aim, above all, of striving for a faithful interpretation of the original Italian text in the correct literary form, which is specific to each language.

This project can be supported  especially in the professional field with the help of the translations’ authors, both those who have already translated or are translating for Maria Valtorta, and those who are willing to do so. Financial aid will be used above all to support the costs of those translations which, although required, are not sufficiently compensated by sales, because they are destined for poor countries, or of predominantly non-Christian religion, or of difficult cultural and religious penetration.


We need your help!


Maria Valtorta Russian Language


Father Alexej Marchenkov translates “The Gospel as it was revealed to me”.

As part of an ever-increasing spread of Maria Valtorta’s writings, the Heritage Foundation has reached an agreement with father Alexej Marchenkov to translates Maria Valtorta’s major work into Russian.
As a member of the Alexander Men Institute, Father Alexej had started on his own the translation of the chapters relating to the Passion and Death of Jesus. With an agreement with the Heritage Foundation, the translation of the tenth volume’s chapters has been completed.
The work continues respecting the times and availability of Father Alexej.

Readers will be kept informed on the progress of this project.

Maria Valtorta Greek Language


“The Gospel as it was revealed to me” in Greek.
In collaboration with a translator from Athens, the Maria Valtorta Heritage Foundation has started the work of translating the major work into Greek.
The first volume has been completed and, pending some support in the spread of the writings in Greek, work continues with the second volume.

Maria Valtorta's writings are fully or partially available in the following languages:

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